
PerfectAire® is an air purification system that disinfects, reenergizes and refreshes your indoor air. It uses water, natural botanical cleaning agent, to literally wash the air clean. When used together with our 5 in 1 Air Purifying Concentrate Solutions, it eliminates more than 99.9999% bacteria, virus and fungi in the environment.

Applicable for all kinds of air purifier, air revitalizer, water-based vacuum, air cooler & other water related products.

Live healthy. Stay happy.

A clean and comfortable home or workplace makes you feel good and healthy. However, unhealthy indoor air is an invisible threat to your well-being. It contains bacteria, dusts, moulds, pollens, smokes and microscopic pollutants that may cause eye, nose and throat irritation.

Micro-Droplets Movement Reduction



Do you know?

  • We take more than 40,000 breaths a day.
  • Urbanites spend up to 90% of their times indoor.
  • Indoor air pollution can be 2-3 times higher than outdoor air.
  • Unhealthy air contains airborne bacteria, viruses, moulds fungal spores, smokes and nicotine.

Unhygienic Indoor Air Causes:

  • Sneeze, cough, itchy eyes, runny nose
  • Breathing difficulties and asthma
  • Allergies, rashes, itchy skin
  • Headaches, dizziness, fatigue
  • Lower mental concentration
  • Lower productivity at work
  • Harn Abd Wahab
    Thank you very very much.
    Fyi, I have tried few of the perfumes before. I have tried sandal wood, uplifting, green tea, apple, eucalyptus, but never have I try lotus.
    The reason why I keep on buying a single bottle is because I'm afraid I will get bored with the smell and I have extras to finish before I get another one. But now I think I might just as well purchase 2 or 3 bottles at one shot as I never really get bored of the smell. I'm just being silly I guess.
    Anyway, thank you so much. I tell you one thing, this perfume has improved not just my health (I have mild bronchial asthma), but also my pets health.
    Two of my cats have this weak lung condition since they were small, and this perfume helps so much, they rarely get flu or cough ever since. I started using it 3 years ago.
    I keep on telling people how good it is, as I have seen the result myself and I'm thankful that you guys have been so helpful with me.

  • Peter Tan TC, KL
    Recently I use an PerfectAire purifier 969 (ionizer and dimmable light) with solution PerfectAire 125ml of Lavender bought from your company. I appreciate this product as I can sleep very comfortably without coughing any more during nighttime. - I used to have bad coughing during the night and could not sleep well. - I like also the sound from the unit. It seems to sound the light breeze coming from near seaside and let me have cozy and deep sleep with mental tranquility.

  • Foo W L, USJ Malaysia
    Hi, would like to know where can I get ur product. I have 1 units of it and need to buy more from you. It is terrific units and I am from USJ. thanks.

  • Jessica, USA
    I am in Dallas, Texas actually. I would be very grateful that such a wonderful product has come to me!! I love it so much that my sinus has gone. Thank you!! I will continue to buy from you.

  • Susan, Singapore
    I have purchased the PerfectAire Revitaliser from you and have been using it now almost 18 months. The product is very fantastic. My whole house and room smells clean and bacteria/virus-free and all my family members sleep absolutely peacefully at night. Still now, nobody has had a sore throat or running nose since. I have strongly recommended it to several of my friends and they are very satisfied as I am.

  • Andrew Latham, UK
    I bought one of your revitaliser (969) in Dec2004 from a promotion at Bluewater, Essex in the uk. And it really works for me and my room is very fresh and clean. Thanks.

  • Michael Leong Somerset, UK
    I am very pleased and happy of your product "PerfectAire" which I have been using. I was introduced to PerfectAire by my friends and was delighted by its very versatile. I tried many others products and proved to be inferior. Fortunately such a good product came to me. Thumbs up and keep all your good works.

  • Shirley Chen, Hong Kong
    Hi, I am from Hong Kong and have already brought 8 pieces of the PerfectAire Revitaliser already. I love the scent smell very much. My husband used to smoke so much…. Now I dun have worry any 2nd smoke anywhere in my house. It is very great product. Cheers.

  • Tobias Engmann, Denmark
    PerfectAire products are very fantastic. I love it. Thank you so much. I love to order more of your air purifying concentrate solutions soon.

  • Emagenes, South Africa
    I'm a health shop owner in South Africa and am pleased in your product. It has proved that it is not only removed the odour smell and also it has a very lasting scent for up to 3-4 days. Thank you.

  • Chng Sock Hoong, Singapore
    I bought one mini set of air purifying concentrate from one of your distributors stall at Kovan. I like the microbeshield and Peppermint & Eucalyptus very much and would like to purchase more. It has helped me as I don’t have any running nose whenever I sleep. Thks!

  • Michelle Koh, Singapore
    I am a student aged 19. Since young, I had been afflicted with a history of nasal obstruction and purulent nasal discharge.
    I was then treated with medication but my symptoms remained. In 1998, I have CT SINUS was done on me and it showed sinusitis. I had to undergo Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery with the removal of nasal polypes. My recovery was uneventful and was reviewed several times with some improvement in my symptoms.
    However, I still suffered from constant morning nose blockage and had to sneeze out the excessive musus frequently. My nasal condition remained troublesome, annoying and sometimes made me breathless.
    Since I started using your PerfectAire - Air revitaliser with your Eucalyptus Concentrate Solution, my usual blockage and excessive musuc outflow improved dramatically, catching me by surprise!
    After an amazing one week, I was completely free from all my previous nose problems. This made my life more comfortable than ever before!
    Now, I enjoy breathing fresh clean and scented air within the comforts of my home all day. My room is no longer dusty and contaminated with all kinds of dust mites, bacteria, bad odours etc. Seeing my speedy recovery, my family also started enjoying your PerfectAire with Lavender Concentrate.
    I will be very happy to share my amazing recovery with anyone who wishes to know.

  • Vijesh, ipoh. Malaysia
    I used to have problems sleeping at night. And every 1 hour I get awake. Now with your PerfectAire product and the lavender/Tea tea air purifying solution. I don’t have any problems sleeping at all ! And it tells me that I have not been sleeping well for past15 years already!!! Thank u.

Air Revitalizer

Aroma Essence Solution

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